
We Are Environmentally Friendly

Selkasan which is environmentally friendly constantly seeks for development through environmental protection projects. The energy from essential requirements of paper production is produced in our facilities by using natural gas which is environmentally friendly. Furthermore, the 80% of the water used in the production is recovered in our waste water plant and it is used in production again.

The waste paper which is the main raw material of our production is provided by one of our group companies, ATKASAN Atık Değerlendirme Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Please note that,

When 1 ton used paper is recovered and paper is produced again;

  • Meeting the oxygen needs of 34 people,
  • Cutting 17 mature pine trees,
  • Discharge of greenhouse gas CO2 in 12400 m3 air into the atmosphere
  • Wasting 4100 kWh electrical energy that 20 families will consume for 1 month,
  • Discharge of 267 kg polluting gas into atmosphere,
  • Saving 3-4 m3 storage area,
  • Destroying 85 m2 forest land,
  • Wasting 38.8 tons of water consumed by 3 families per month.